Friday, August 24, 2012

Laziness...a virus, desease or just a bad habit

It's been a while since my last update...
I'm too lazy to write anything....too lazy to even thinking what to write...
but the most critical part is too lazy to even opened up the page...what a lazy girl...haha...
Laziness is like a virus that always found it way to destroy the is my lazy day...but yesterday was also my lazy day...and it same goes to yesterday before conclusion is everyday is my lazy day...hahaha

Talk about laziness....I have one symptom that I'm quite sure I'm not the only person in this world who suffered with this kind of illness^^....I think it was pretty know when there is one time when you feel so lazy that you don't want to do anything except lying down watching television or just lying down doing nothing or lying down and thinking about who designed your ceiling cause you can't stand to look at it because the designed was too boring....well yes..I have those kind of lazy day....but usually I always lying down (yup..lying down is my basic step to go further into my wonderful lazy world^^) with my dearie laptop beside me with an external hard disk attached to it...korean drama on screen.....perfecto^^....

There it goes my perfect lazy day....and finally I will end up with finishing a drama with 16 or 20 episodes in one go....amazing...and if I am tough enough I even can finished watching 3 to 4 movies after that....hahaha...break????of course I need a break too...even a machine need matter how amazing and talented (I don't know where this word coming from) I am....I am still a human with a soul to feed and stomach to fill....^^...I will stop to pray and of course eating too....

I think I will look bad if I didn't give any back up statement here...after re reading the whole story I think I am very successful in making myself looks like a very lazy lady with an obsessive over korean drama and her bed...lying down all the time....I even can say goodbye to my fiance and my future mother in law...huhu...I am not that bad....

I need to make myself clear...I am quite diligent lady you know...I will do everything from sweep out the floor, washing dishes, washing clothes...errrr sometimes cooking^^ even cleaning the bathroom when I am in my hardworking mode....but it just sometimes but it happen quit a lot I found myself with this bad habit of mine.....I just can't help it....T.T....there are too many dramas and movies in my external that I'm not finished watching yet....I bet as long as I haven't finish watching it...this laziness virus will keep hunting me....keke

But...I'll do better in the future^^


Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Wonderful Brain???

Malam ni rasa macam nak tido lambat...
dah lama tak buat benda macam ni..tido lambat..update blog...pikir nak tulis apa...
pastu bile da start tulis da tak boleh nak berenti la pulak...macam-macam pulak yang keluar...
cerita dari satu bende melilau ke satu bende yang boleh dikira sebagai satu keistimewaan jugak la kot^^...
Rasenye dalam kalangan kawan-kawan aku...aku memang terkenal lah jugak sebagai seorang yang berfikiran jumpy2...maksudnya...kalau nyembang ngan kengkawan aku tu...aku selalu melompat dari satu topik ke satu topik yang lain tanpa rasa bersalah...kadang-kadang kawan-kawan aku tengah syok lagi bercerita pasal topik tu...tapi disebabkan otak aku dah mula pikir pasal benda lain...lalu dia (otak aku) terus menghantar signal kat mulut aku supaya segera meluahkan apa yang terpendam tu...maka tanpa berlengah lagi, dalam keadaan salah seorang member aku tengah dok happy cerita pasal kisah dia...aku segera menyampuk tentang sesuatu yang lain yang langsung tiada kaitan dengan topik yang dibincangkan....dan disebabkan kawan-kawan aku ni memang semuanya baik-baik belaka...diorang akan layan jugak pertanyaan mengejut aku sehingga topik utama tadi terus dilupakan...kang tetiba aku teringat balik pasal topik mula-mula tadi aku pon tanya la balik kat kawan aku yang aku dah potong cakap dia tadi...suruh dia sambung balik apa yang dia cuba cakap tadi...dan malangnya...kebiasaannya diorang memang tak akan berjaya nak ingat balik apa yang diorang cuba nak luahkan tadi....huhu...

Seriously, aku pon baru sedar perbuatan kurang sopan aku ni dua tiga menjak ni je...xsure macam mana...aku sedar sendiri kot^^...sejak dah mula sedar ni...aku cover la cket...kalau tiba-tiba aku dah tersampuk aku cepat-cepat mintak maaf balik ngan kawan aku n suruh diorang teruskan dengan cerita diorang....dan disebabkan hal ni.. aku discover lagi satu benda...lepas aku sedar yang aku cuba menyampuk dan suruh kawan aku teruskan cerita dia...bila habis je cerita tu dan bila diorang tanya pulak kat aku ape benda yang aku nak tanya tadi...aku pulak yang lupa... dapat buat kesimpulan kat sini bahawa...aku mempunyai satu daya ingatan jangka pendek yang cukup pendek...otak aku dah berjaya discover pasal keistimewaan aku ni lama dah...sebab tu bila ada je benda2 yang perlu diluahkan dia cepat-cepat push keluar benda tu...mungkin juga dia selaku otak aku juga tahu setakat mana tahap kemampuan dia...sebab tu dia segera mencari jalan penyelesaian terbaik untuk cover tahap pencapaian dia yang tak seberapa tu..

hmmmm...bernas jugak teori tu....

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Please be strong!!!!

This is a story about a girl name lucky....ngeh..ngeh....'s not about Lucky...who's Lucky anyway...she's not even real...she's just a fictional girl in Britney Spears song...maybe Lucky is actually Britney...the way she want to tell everybody about how miserable her life even though she has everything...^^

Narrator Point of view (POV):
Please be strong!!!
you're not a spoiled or too pampered girl who keep on whining over something yang tak sepatutnya..
cry over everything...and always blame others when things don't go your way....

You're much better than that...
you're just an extra sensitive girl once in a month...^^
you can cry like you've been hurt while watching "Ombak Rindu"...^^(berhati lembut la maknenye)
you keep on whining about auntie cleaner who always switch off the water heating machine....
(she really got on your nerves..that auntie....T.T...)
sometimes you will have mood swings just because you are hungry...(can't help it)
you can be really stress to the point you need someone who can hear you talking about the same thing over and over again when your precious lappie meragam....O.O..
(tq so much kak anim, nadiah and kak siti^^...)

Readers (POV):
which part of you that so different from that spoiled and too pampered girl you're talking about????...

You're (POV): harsh...T.T
